Refund Policy

All sales are final, and we do not offer refunds for the paid period of services already availed by the client. Complaints or dissatisfaction regarding the quality of services during the paid period shall not entitle the client to any refund or compensation.

As per SEBI guidelines, if a client requests to cancel the subscription, a refund shall only be issued for the unused portion of the subscription period. The refund will be calculated on a pro-rata basis, deducting the charges for the services already availed, including applicable taxes and administrative fees.

Refunds will not be provided for the period of services already availed, irrespective of the client’s satisfaction with the recommendations or the outcome of trades.

Investment in securities markets are subject to market risks. Profits and losses incurred due to the use of our recommendations are solely the responsibility of the client.

By subscribing to our services and making payment, the client acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to the refund policy, as well as the disclaimer, disclosure, and other terms mentioned on our website.

For any questions or assistance regarding our refund policy, please contact us at:

Checklist before subscribing to our services:

  • It is advisable to check all the information about our services and risk involved in trading. We don’t offer any kind of promissory or guaranteed returns.
  • In any case due to any personal reason if any client cannot continue services after making the payment, then we can provide services in future but refund of payment will not be possible.
  • The Performance updated on various social media platforms like Facebook, Telegram, Twitter, Instagram or WhatsApp doesn’t guarantee any future profits. Screenshots posted on the mentioned platforms are from our existing clients which we ask them to share with us but we don’t guarantee the same results in every case because market movements are different on a daily and weekly basis so never expect the same results. These performances are variable according to the market situations and we don’t guarantee any profit in any stipulated time frame. It may be possible that you may incur full or partial capital loss in expectation of profits due to the market conditions.
  • Before making payment, you can clear all your doubts by speaking with our executive.
  • You can read all information about our packages, and services before subscription and it is advisable from our side to check refund policy, privacy policy, complaints and disclaimer before subscription.
  • For us, our clients are always on top priority so we don’t compromise with the support but about results in our research recommendations, we don’t give any guarantee. Market movements are not in our hands so never expect always profitable results from our services and prepare yourself for any notional losses.
  • Before opting to our services, we strongly encourage you to familiar yourself with the risk involved in trading or investment in the market. If you are totally new in the market, check research recommendations for few days so that you can avail proper knowledge and information of stocks and market volatility.
  • Make sure that you do not give your credit card details to any third party who could access your account. Don’t share your credentials with anyone in any form. This way we will make sure that your membership is safe.

By making payment for our services, it is implied and also you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to the above no refund and no cancellation policy.

Disclaimer “Registration granted by SEBI, and certification from NISM in no way guarantee performance of the intermediary or provide any assurance of returns to investors”       Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related documents carefully before investing.